How interpersonal neurobiology Is Used in Therapy
Interpersonal neurobiology has gained popularity in therapy. The concept was started by Dan Siegel and is actually based on clinical evidence. It is based on how the brain process is directly affected by life experiences. In order to heal or overcome trauma, your brain needs to come to terms with different aspects of life. This includes your physical and mental trauma, relationships, your work, and other things. By combining all these factors... Read More
What is Interpersonal Neurobiology used for?
IPNB or Interpersonal Neurobiology is the brainchild of Allan Schore and Dan Siegel. The concept of IPNB is based on the foundation of continuous growth of the brain. The technique of IPNB is used to stimulate the brain with positive and powerful persuasion to heal trauma. According to a recently published book called interpersonal neurobiology of play, this conceptcan help transform conditions which were once known to be permanent. Essentially... Read More
Understanding the Application & Importance of Interpersonal Neurobiology
If ever there was a way to understand how our brain’s physical features & chemical interactions with the surrounding environment and emotions wouldn’t you want to learn more about it? Whether you wish to be trained in a rather chemical/biological direction or more of a sociological/psychological direction, there is an interdisciplinary aspect that can help you work out the human relationships and interactions. This aspect is known as... Read More
The 1st Domain: Integration of Consciousness
Presence is the portal through which integration happens. ——————————————————————————————————————- BONUS LECTURE–this “Awareness of Awarenesss” science discussion highlights the most useful and fascinating... Read More
Meditation MAPs Heidi recommends
I recommend TWO TYPES OF MEDITATION OR BRAIN FITNESS….the first brings you to a state of inner peace, the other is learning to strengthen your “mindsight muscle” (mindsight is like eyesight, but learning to see inside your mind and others minds). Clients often hear that I teach on the power of “thinking about thinking” and growing your middle prefrontal cortex, including how there are 9 functions and... Read More