Lecture List
I have 3 interpersonal neurobiology series (total 45+ hours) that can be purchased as a package or each class can be purchased individually.
Series 1-The 9 Levels of Neural Integration (25 hours academic)
Series 2 —The 9 Levels Science Chat Format with timestamps*** (11 hours, more creative and interactive)
***The timestamps are only available to see at this link
Series 3 —The 9 Skills of the Wizard Brain with timestamps*** (Technically called the “9 Functions of the Prefrontal Cortex,” 9 hours)
***The timestamps are only available to see at this link
Email [email protected] to purchase.
(Scroll to the bottom to quickly see the 3 series without graphics.)
Series #1
9 Domains of Neural Integration Series: Interpersonal Neurobiology Fundamentals [comprehensive & academic]
36 hours of mind-blowing content** (click link for another page that reviews the same as below)
**Series 1 and Series 2 combined create an equivalent to 2 semesters (one year) of graduate level content
COST $399 (or $49 EACH) click each link for slides
1. https://greenlightheidi.com/first-domain/

2. https://greenlightheidi.com/2020/05/2nd-domain/ (Part 1)
and (Part 2) https://greenlightheidi.com/2020/05/2nd-domain-part-2/ plus BONUS 25 min guided meditation (that can also be listened to as if it were a science lecture)

3. https://greenlightheidi.com/2020/06/3rd-domain/

4. https://greenlightheidi.com/2020/06/4th-domain-memory-integration/

5. https://greenlightheidi.com/2020/06/5th-domain-narrative-integration/

6. https://greenlightheidi.com/2020/07/6th-domain-state-integration/

7. https://greenlightheidi.com/2020/07/7th-domain-interpersonal-integration/

8. https://greenlightheidi.com/2020/08/8th-domain-temporal-integration/

9. https://greenlightheidi.com/2020/08/9th-domain-identity-integration/ This course has three parts–the first is an incredible hour-long guided meditation going through the 9 domains, the second part is a 2+ hour extravaganza PowerPoint outlining and teaching each level, and the 3rd is the science chat another 1 hour reviewing all 9 levels from more lay person point of view


#2 Series
Tea Time Science Chats
Covers the 9 Domains with an even more fun and interactive format. Classes focus on WHY each domain is important to understand and useful**
(Recommended to get started to learn the 9 domains)
COST $149 (or $20 each)
1. https://vimeo.com/529167090 1st Domain Consciousness

2. https://vimeo.com/535611236 2nd Domain Horizontal

3. https://vimeo.com/546990313 3rd Domain Vertical

4. https://vimeo.com/553030403 4th Domain Memory

5. https://vimeo.com/558699253 5th Domain Story

6. https://vimeo.com/567176906 6th Domain State

7. https://vimeo.com/572863268 7th domain Relationship**
(**POSSIBLY THE BEST one in the series on relationships, attachment, and how the circuitry of consciousness and social engagement overlap and mirror each other)

8. https://vimeo.com/541846863 8th Domain Time

9. https://vimeo.com/578988232 9th Domain Identity
#3 Series
Covers the 9 Functions of the Prefrontal Cortex (Nicknamed ‘Wizard Brain’) whereas Series #1 and Series #2 covered the 9 Domains/Levels of Neural Integration

Begins with the definition of each term, i.e. empathy, morality, then has a discussion about what they ARE when embodied and lived. The intention for this series is to go beyond mere science terms into something deeper and expansive for the learner.
COST $149 (or $20 each)
1. vimeo.com/665766613 What is the wizard brain, the mind and mindsight

2. vimeo.com/670875724 The wizard brain skill of response flexibility

3. vimeo.com/676037018 The wizard brain skill of attuned communication (attunement)

4. vimeo.com/681602551 CORE class explaining how to rewire shame using wizard brain skill of fear modulation (to unlearn a fear)

Class #4 on fear modulation teaches the science of shame, when we feel shame the “default mode network” (lizard brain) is lighting up. There is a cycle involved with excessive self-criticism, to onboard the wizard brain use kind voice instead.

NOTE: The next Class #5 insight, Class #6 empathy, and Class #7 morality cover “mindsight” which is a CORE PRINCIPLE in interpersonal neurobiology. (The #7 morality class overviews mindsight in greatest detail.) Insight is about seeing inside my mind, empathy is about seeing inside your mind and morality is about seeing inside our mind–together these are at the heart of social and emotional intelligence.

5. vimeo.com/686851435 The wizard brain skill of insight and how it originates from attachment in childhood

This class explains how insight (seeing inside our own mind) originates from childhood where a caregiver gives you what is called “reflective function” in attachment research; (it is also called “mindsight” in interpersonal neurobiology–to see one’s own mind and other’s minds).

6. vimeo.com/692477147 The wizard brain skill of empathy but expanded definition with an empathy energy experience from guest speaker

7. vimeo.com/699631930 The wizard brain skill of morality ***BEST overview of the whole series alongside the FINALE

8. vimeo.com/704873783 The wizard brain skill of intuition

9. vimeo.com/709231793 The wizard brain skill of emotional balance

10. Bodily Regulation–vimeo.com/714644105

11. FINALE reviewing all 9 functions of the wizard brain (prefrontal cortex)–excellent overview, review, and deepening of the subject! https://vimeo.com/718842175


Different format listing the 3 series:
#1 Series
$399 for all of the 9 domains on integration with total time 36 hours (or 49 each)
1. https://greenlightheidi.com/2020/05/first-domain/
2. https://greenlightheidi.com/2020/05/2nd-domain/
3. https://greenlightheidi.com/2020/06/3rd-domain/
4. https://greenlightheidi.com/2020/06/4th-domain-memory-integration/
5. https://greenlightheidi.com/2020/06/5th-domain-narrative-integration/
6. https://greenlightheidi.com/2020/07/6th-domain-state-integration/
7. https://greenlightheidi.com/2020/07/7th-domain-interpersonal-integration/
8. https://greenlightheidi.com/2020/08/8th-domain-temporal-integration/
9. https://greenlightheidi.com/2020/08/9th-domain-identity-integration/
299 for all 9 domains without the tea time science chats (39 each)
#2 Series
149 for the tea time science chats or 20 each (I recommend this to get started to learning the 9 domains, because each tea time focuses on the WHY, why learn about THAT particular domain, why it is useful, WHY it is interesting)
1. https://vimeo.com/529167090 1st Domain Consciousness
2. https://vimeo.com/535611236 2nd Domain Horizontal
3. https://vimeo.com/546990313 3rd Domain Vertical
4. https://vimeo.com/553030403 4th Domain Memory
5. https://vimeo.com/558699253 5th Domain Story
6. https://vimeo.com/567176906 6th Domain State
7. https://vimeo.com/572863268 7th domain (*POSSIBLY THE BEST one in the series on relationships, attachment, and how the circuitry of consciousness and social engagement overlap and mirror each other)
8. https://vimeo.com/541846863 8th Domain Time
9. https://vimeo.com/578988232 9th Domain Identity
#3 Series
$149 for wizard brain series (9 functions of the prefrontal cortex) or $20 each
A total of 11 videos at approximately 9 hours of teaching, will paste below…unfortunately you need the codes to see the detailed timestamps below each video.
1. vimeo.com/665766613 What is the wizard brain and mindsight
2. vimeo.com/670875724 The wizard brain skill of response flexibility
3. vimeo.com/676037018 The wizard brain skill of attuned communication
4. vimeo.com/681602551 CORE class explaining how to rewire shame using wizard brain skill of fear modulation (to unlearn a fear)
5. vimeo.com/686851435 The wizard brain skill of insight and how it originates from attachment in childhood
6. vimeo.com/692477147 The wizard brain skill of empathy but expanded definition with an empathy energy experience from guest speaker
7. vimeo.com/699631930 The wizard brain skill of morality ***BEST overview of the whole series
8. vimeo.com/704873783 The wizard brain skill of intuition
9. vimeo.com/709231793 The wizard brain skill of emotional balance *** AN EXCELLENT class overviewing interpersonal neurobiology model, without getting overly technical. (A fantastic 15 min section is to start at min 34. Live demonstration of an audience member gaining emotional balance then detailed PowerPoint explanation.)
10. vimeo.com/714644105 The wizard brain skill of body regulation. Possibly the best HACK out of the 9 functions to most quickly jump start your brain from lizard to wizard!
11. https://vimeo.com/718842175 The FINALE reviewing all 9 and explaining more nuanced details, also very good to watch for an overview of all 9 functions