Series #1 Interpersonal Neurobiology Fundamentals

#1 Series


299 for all 9 domains without the tea time science chats (39 each)

This $299 course (or $39 each) covers the “9 Levels of Integration” from Consciousness to Memory to Identity.

(The image below is for the 9th class which reviews all previous 8 Levels.) Series #1 is equal to over 25 hours of graduate level coursework.

SHORTCUT: Just purchase the 9th Level for a 3+hr review of all 9 Levels.

Series #1 is actually the most complex to watch out of Series #1, Series #2, and Series #3

It reviews the 9 Domains of Neural Integration in the most academic detail. (Heidi calls these the “9 Levels of Integration”.)

There are two more Series to purchase:

Series #2 reviews these same 9 Levels but from the Tea Time Science Chat angel. Series #3 is about the 9 Functions of the Prefrontal Cortex (Heidi calls these the “9 Skills of the wizard brain”)

#1 Series

$299 for this series or $39 each- email [email protected] to purchase

1. THE FIRST DOMAIN: The 1st Level Consciousness Integration

2. THE SECOND DOMAIN: The 2nd Level Horizontal* Integration (*Covers the left and right hemisphere)

3. THE THIRD DOMAIN: The 3rd Level Vertical* Integration

(*Covers the limbic regions and prefrontal cortex, later referred to as lizard and wizard brain)

4. THE FOURTH DOMAIN: The 4th Level Memory* Integration

(*Covers integrating memory as retrieval and as modifier)

5. THE FIFTH DOMAIN: The 5th Level Story* Integration

(*Covers integrating the story and the storyteller)

(The more coherent your narrative, the greater likelihood your children will securely attach to you)

6. THE SIXTH DOMAIN: The 6th Level State Integration

7. THE SEVENTH DOMAIN: The 7th Level Attachment / Interpersonal Integration

8. THE EIGHTH DOMAIN: The 8th Level Time Integration

9. THE FINAL DOMAIN: The 9th Level Identity* Integration (*Covers integrating all the previous 8 levels into one coherent whole identity)(Includes a one-hour guided meditation taking you through achieving each level)

Pro Tip–just purchase this $39 class to get a 3+ hour overview of the entire series

See blog post here for more detailed description of each of the 9…it starts at the 9th level near the top then as you scroll down you get closer to the 1st level consciousness

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