Series #2 Interpersonal Neurobiology Science Chats with Timestamps

$149 for the tea time science chats or $20 each (I recommend this to get started to learning the 9 domains, because each science chat focuses on the WHY, why learn about THAT particular domain, why it is useful, WHY it is interesting)​1. 1st Domain Consciousness2. 2nd Domain Horizontal3. 3rd Domain Vertical4. 4th Domain Memory5. Read More

Meditation is BRAIN FLOSS

I knew personally that meditation opened a doorway into a new experience of reality, but it wasn’t until I came across the recent findings of neuroscience and psychology that I learned the science behind the importance of mindfulness. Dr. Siegel writes, “I introduce meditation to patients frequently now. Because I don’t have a big background in meditation, I don’t feel like I’m a religious zealot because I’m just offering this... Read More