New RX for Pain–Low Dose Naltrexone

Are you having chronic pain or autoimmune issues?   I’m creating a post about about LDN (low dose naltrexone) since many people have asked me about it. Naltrexone was originally developed as a medication to block opioids if an overdose occurs. More recently, it has been discovered as helping autoimmune and pain issues in a very low dose (traditionally at 4.5mg at night). I recommend checking out the two largest facebook groups, search “Low... Read More

Breaking Free from the Prison of Chronic Pain

  Chronic pain is sneaky. It will creep up on you and hit you over the head like a hammer. It’s an invisible cage that imprisons: everyone else is outside having fun and you are miserable inside the cage.   After trying dozens of therapies for years, I settled into a life with minimized movement which has been my most successful attempt to combat the pain coming from my congenital back issue known (or not so known) as Bertolotti’s Syndrome.... Read More