I am forming
1. A regular 6-person support group (underlying focus on healing relationship with self and others, see below 5 THEMES).
2. I also offer “4 x 4” one-time groups for 4 people in 4 hours.
“I wanted to say thank you again for asking me to join the ongoing support group – it’s truly been a life changing experience!! I’m so grateful to have the confidence I have now and really feel like I owe it all to you (+group)! Since our group started, I think the thing I’ve learned most is 1.) to have more self awareness and use some of the tools/resources you’ve given us to practice with (monitor + modify) and 2.) to honor differences while caringly connecting – I didn’t realize how difficult it was for me to connect with those around me, so am happy I finally can!
I also thank you for your commitment and dedication in structuring our group every week and helping us understand the material you’ve taught us. You’ve made your lessons easy to understand and that meant I was able to apply a lot of that in my every day life! -SL
Both these groups use cutting-edge, evidence-based strategies to heal memory and attachment. Reach out to me at HeidiCrockett at to inquire about my groups.
Recently a support group that I lead discussed “relationship rupture” when a group member left. (Relationship rupture is a term from attachment theory. “Relationship rupture and repair” is one of four components that create a secure attachment style.)

[SIDE COMMENT: CHECK OUT HEIDI’S RECENT SCIENCE CHAT ON RELATIONSHIP RUPTURE AND REPAIR, click that link and read the timestamps below the video and email her to get the code to see the event. While it is a powerful class that teaches HOW to repair relationship rupture, even better than watching that 1 class is be a part of Heidi’s next ongoing GROUP!!!]
GROUP POSSESSES the power to heal in a unique way different than individual therapy. The CORE PRINCIPLE is CARE.

The action of care strengthens your social engagement system (green dot) and can transform your brain/mind/relationships.

Here are 5 THEMES which a 6-person support group that I lead will focus on.
JOIN ME in a group and start healing your memories and relationships.
#1 Just as each individual has their LADDER (social engagement/safety at top, sympathetic/fight in middle, or freeze collapse bottom,) the GROUP as ONE WHOLE has a LADDER
(***The “ladder” above is being able to flexibly travel in all directions from experiencing the RED, BLUE, and GREEN DOT nervous system states. “Being at the top of the ladder” is explained by this chipmunk video in my YouTube neuroscience blog.)
#2 When one individual introduces relationship rupture, (or even the potential for rupture by raising a concern/introducing potential conflict.) it causes the GROUP LADDER to go down into a bit of a sympathetic fight/flight mode. This IS PART of the purpose of the group–to notice the natural expanding and contracting inherent in groups and relating and notice YOUR INDIVIDUAL nervous system’s expanding and contracting to the group vibe.
#3 Just like to build muscle a person must create microtears in their muscle fibers when weight lifting (that then heal with rest,) the “mindsight muscle” of each individual and of the group must be STRETCHED with rupture and conflict to later STRENGTHEN group cohesion and trust (and strengthen individual cohesion and trust–this is how the group is a mirror and how the quote “how we relate intrapersonally has everything to do with how we relate interpersonally” most aptly applies).
[THIS PARAGRAPH goes into some deeper neurobiology principles, just a warning for those who are new:
To clarify the PRINCIPLE here for #3 is understanding how staying emotionally present and open IN THE FACE of the LADDER going down is a SKILL that reaps the most benefit if both people say in a relationship or everyone in the group can “hold” the higher arousal level of feelings during the conflict, then come through to the other side. This skill is linked to your attachment style from childhood and attachment as an ongoing process. The group leader is important in this process. My role is to balance creating authentic, caring connections and also to support us in our authentic differences. NOTE: Each of you have the same power as me to strengthen connection and honor differences (or the opposite)–the group is a collection of our authentic participation differentiating (separating) and linking. We can tell the “level” of integration of the group by HOW different we are able to be AND feel connected at the same time. This is an expanding and contracting, ongoing process at the level of each individual and group as a whole. When one understands the deeper principles of interpersonal neurobiology, they understand the concept of “mwe” which is that the group as ONE THING and each of us as individuals BOTH are the same thing. This relates to the mind being an embodied AND relational process–your awareness isn’t only inside it is between.]
#4 Trust is earned. Each group member must make the choice to share honestly their feelings that make them vulnerable. Just to give an extreme example to make my point here, if one group member doesn’t share but instead talks about facts or ideas or external things and doesn’t link it back up to their feelings, that group member interferes with her ability to get benefit from the group and for the group to get benefit from itself. This is why we all commit to sharing authentically, to attending regularly, and why we have the guideline that if someone decides they no longer want to attend group that they will attend at least 1 more group to participate in healthy closure (and ideally would give the group a heads up a few weeks in advance of the change in the best case scenario).
#5 FUTURE–Where a support group could go:
The more that we can openly face our differences (happens in conflict and rupture) and stay feeling and present and show care, the stronger the bond grows for the group as a whole. The bond in this sense is not about agreeing about facts or ideas but that people can share different opinions and agree to disagree and then share and show care. We’d be experiencing 1 – 5 in a support group led by Crockett. Email her at HeidiCrockett at
The below content relates to prior events (when Crockett was an educator in Florida) and a link to low-cost labwork you can get, (in other words the below is part of an older post with correct information, it is just older. The above post is NEW for Feb 2021).
Heidi has started telling her health coaching clients about this new lab service (click here) where you can walk-in and order labs at 50 – 80% off their normal price without a doctor’s order. This will help people be more proactive in their care as some important labs are not normally ordered by a primary care physician.
One small example is to consider getting tested for LP(a). It’s pronounced “lipoprotein little a” and the test costs $50, (you can find the test at the very bottom of the page at the above link) and 1 in 5 people have it. Another better option is the Advanced Lipid Panel which includes LP(a) and costs $175.* Here is some more information about LP(a) and an educational website:
Important facts about Lp(a)
High Lp(a) is not rare. One in five people globally and 63 million people in the U.S. have high Lp(a) levels, and most do not know they are at risk. High Lp(a) is the strongest, single, inherited risk factor for early coronary artery disease (CAD) and aortic stenosis, or narrowing of the aorta. People living with high Lp(a) have a 2-4 times higher risk of early heart and blood vessel disease compared to people with normal Lp(a) levels”. from If a person takes statins or birth control, they should know if they are positive for LP(a) as this knowledge would affect their decision-making process. Talk to Heidi more at HeidiCrockett at gmail dot com.
Current for April 2019
April 6th–New Findings in Sexual Health 10am at
April 11th–Exploring Firestone’s Defense Mechanisms 10am at ” “
April 18th–YES Brain in the Bedroom 10am at ” “
April 24th–Using Neurobiology to Improve Eating Habits 2pm at ” “
May 2nd–YES Brain: An Introduction to Interpersonal Neurobiology ” “
PAST Events:
Click here where Heidi Crockett is being featured in Teepa Snow’s newsletter.
1.Book Release
MY BOOK: “Caregiver Stress: Neurobiology to the Rescue“
2. “Optimal Health: Important Sexual Health Information for Adults Over 60”
When: Thursday, September 10, 2pm – 3pm
3. “Grief: What Happens in the Brain When Grieving and What You Can Do To Help”
When: Fri, September 18, 2pm – 3pm
4. Sex, Dementia and Long-Term Care: What Healthcare Professionals Need to Know
When: Event Available three different days, A. Tuesday, September 29, 9:00am – 12:15pm or B. October 15th, 1:00-4:15pm, or C. November 5, 5:00-8:15pm
5. Healthy Aging: Top Ten List
When: Thursday, October 8, 11:30am – 1pm
6. Guardian Conference Keynote Speaker, “De-stress Success: Using Neuroscience to Improve Communication with Challenging Families and Other Parties”
When: Friday, October 9, 4pm – 5pm
7. “Dementia and Consent, Policy and Implications”
When: Tuesday, October 13, 1:30pm – 3:00pm
******REMINDER of Heidi’s OCTOBER 15th 3 CEU event see Sept 29th for description*******
8. “Seniors and Sexuality in the 21st Century”
When: Monday, October 19, 5:30pm – 6:30pm
9. LGBT Older Adult-last hour of 3 hour CEU event
When: Event occurs two times either Thursday, October 22, 1:00pm – 4:15pm or Thursday, November 12th, 9:00- noon
10. “Intimacy, Dementia, and the Brain: What Does Brain Health Have to Do with Intimacy?”
When: Thursday, October 29th from 1:00pm – 2:30pm as part of a free 9:00-2:30 caregivers symposium event
Where: TBD in Sun City Center, RSVP contact is Debbie Caneen at 813-892-2990
Description: This presentation will explore how understanding the brain can improve communication and intimacy, evidence-based neuroscience education on what happen in the brain when there is resonance and intimacy, tips to improve left/right brain integration, as well as tips to respond to dementia and ISB (inappropriate sexual behavior).
11. “Optimal Health: Using Neurobiology to Improve Communication and Relationships”
When: Wednesday, November 4, 2:30pm – 3:30pm
12. Practical Tips to Reduce Caregiver Stress
When: Thursday, November 5, 11am – 12pm
******REMINDER of Heidi’s NOVEMBER 5th 3 CEU event 5-8pm, see Sept 29th for description*******
13. Healthy Aging: Mindful Consumption of Food and Pleasure
When: Friday, November 13, 11:30am – 1pm
14. Eating Tips for Busy People or Singles
When: Friday, December 11, 11:30am – 1pm
15. “Grief: Letting Go of What Holds You Back”
When: Wednesday, December 16, 2pm – 3pm
16. “Seniors and Sexuality: What Healthcare Professionals Need to Know”
When: Tuesday, February 16, 9am – 10:30am
—————————PAST EVENTS———————————
June 18th “Caregiver Stress: Cutting-Edge Research on What Actually Helps” 11:00am
Bayshore Memory Care–presentation then lunch
1260 Creekside Blvd East
Naples, FL 34109
June 24th, 2015 at 10:30am “Brain Health and Intimacy Tips” by Heidi Crockett.
Location: Inspired Living at Sun City Center, 1320 33rd Street SE, Sun City Cneter, FL 33573.
RSVP 813-922-1821.
July 23th, 2015 at 2:00pm “Practical Tips to Reduce the Effects of Caregiver Stress” by Heidi Crockett
Description: This presentation will explain current findings in neurobiology on what happens in the brain when there is stress and what reduces stress, including answers specific to long-term caregivers. You will practice brain-based, stress-reducing exercises at the presentation as well as take home a handout with practical tips to improve your well-being as well as that of your loved one.
Location: Arden Courts of Seminole
July 24th, 2015 at 2:00pm “Achieving Optimal Emotional Health: Using Neurobiology to Improve Relationships” by Heidi Crockett
Description: Using neurobiology, this class will explain the importance of mirror neurons, the impact of empathic listening on the brain, and exercises to improve communication
Location: Fountains at Boca Ciega Bay 2nd floor Auditorium, 1255 Pasadena Ave S., St Petersburg, FL 33707. No RSVP required.
August 14th, 2015 at 2:00pm “Achieving Optimal Sexual Health: Important Sexual Health Information for Adults over 60” by Heidi Crockett
Description: Sexual health is an important part of your overall health. Did you know that physicians frequently stop asking about sexual health after age 60? Consider attending this lecture if you want to learn how to care for your sexual health as you age. There will be an anonymous question and answer section, so bring your questions.
Location: Fountains at Boca Ciega Bay 2nd floor Auditorium, 1255 Pasadena Ave S., St Petersburg, FL 33707. No RSVP required.
Florida Conference on Aging 2015- Sixty Sparkles
Caribe Royale Hotel in Orlando, Florida from August 10-12
“It’s Time to Talk about….Sex after 60” by Heidi Crockett
June 17th, 2015 at 2:00pm “Achieving Optimal Physical Health: Using Neurobiology to Improve Eating Habits
Description: Using neurobiology, this class will talk about why we get stuck in our eating (and lifestyle) habits and what we can do to improve. This presentation will outline Heidi’s Top Ten list for healthy aging and healthy eating.
Location: Fountains at Boca Ciega Bay 2nd floor Auditorium, 1255 Pasadena Ave S., St Petersburg, FL 33707. No RSVP required
National Association of Social Workers Florida Conference in Orlando, FL June 10-13
“Aging Gracefully: Paving the Way to Optimal Mental and Sexual Health” on Friday, June 12th from 2:00-5:00pm, This workshop is co-presented by Dr. David Bernstein, geriatric physician, and Heidi Crockett, LCSW
June 11th, 2015 at 2pm “Achieving Optimal Mental Health: Neurobiology and Brain Exercises“
Description: Using neurobiology, this class will outline the benefits of horizontal (left/right) and vertical (toe to head) integration including brain exercises and recommendations to improve cognitive functioning and mood. Heidi simplifies recent findings from neuroscience and the presentation includes a useful handout to take home.
Location: Aston Gardens at the Courtyards, 231 Courtyard Blvd Sun City Center, FL. No RSVP required
“Seniors and Sexuality in the 21st Century”
Wed June 10th
May 27th, 2015 at 10:30am “Seniors and Sexuality in the 21st Century” by Heidi Crockett
Description: This class uses evidence-based research to review important sexual health issues for those over 60. We’ll discuss the importance of intimacy including what happens in the body (e.g. two hearts being to beat in rhythm, the respiratory, hormone, and immune systems align, & other positive health efforts). There will be an opportunity for anonymous questions and answers.
Location: Inspired Living at Sun City Center, 1320 33rd Street SE, Sun City Center, FL 33573.
RSVP 813-922-1821.
May 18th, 2015 at 2:30pm, “Dating for Seniors” by Heidi Crockett
Description: Do you want more companionship in your life? Are you curious about online dating? If you met someone that you liked, do you know how to be safe while also having fun? This class will explore these questions and will include time for anonymous questions and answers.
Location: Gulfport Senior Center, 5501 27th Avenue S., Gulfport, FL 33707. No RSVP required.
May 15th, 2015 at 2:00pm “Achieving Optimal Mental Health: Neurobiology and Brain Exercises” by Heidi Crockett
Description: Using neurobiology, this class will outline the benefits of horizontal (left/right) and vertical (toe to head) integration including brain exercises and recommendations to improve cognitive functioning and mood. Heidi simplifies recent findings from neuroscience and the presentation includes a useful handout to take home.
Location: Fountains at Boca Ciega Bay 2nd floor Auditorium. 1255 Pasadena Ave S., St Petersburg, FL 33707. No RSVP required.
National Association for Professional Geriatric Care Managers annual conference
“Intimacy Concerns for Seniors with Dementia”
April 29 to May 2 in Denver, CO
1. April 14th “Dementia and Sexuality” 11:00am
Bayshore Memory Care–presentation then lunch
1260 Creekside Blvd East
Naples, FL 34109
If possible, please RSVP to239-777-9877
Friday, February 13th– St. PETERSBURG
“Dating Tips for Seniors”
At the Fountains at Boca Ciega Bay, 2nd floor auditorium,
2:00pm – 3:00pm, 1255 Pasadena Avenue South, St. Petersburg, FL 33707
click here to see flyer: Dating for Seniors.Feb 13.2015.Fountains at Boca Ciega Bay
Monday, February 16th– GULFPORT
“Seniors and Sexuality in the 21st Century”
At the Gulfport Senior Center auditorium, 2:30pm to 3:30pm, 5501 27th Avenue South, Gulfport, FL 33707
click here to see flyer: Seniors and Sexuality.Feb 16.2015.Gulfport Senior Center
June 1st, scheduled publish date for my upcoming chapter on caregiving.
I answer the question: How can I achieve optimal health as a caregiver? Then go into optimal mental health, optimal physical health, and optimal sexual health. More details to come.
Thursday, January 8th— SUN CITY CENTER
“A New Year, A New You: Quick, Easy Health Tips for Staying Fit and Healthy All Year Round”
At Aston Gardens at 2:00pm-3:00pm, 1311 Aston Gardens Court
Sun City Center, FL 33573.
Monday, January 12th–CLEARWATER
“What Does Brain Health Have to do with Intimacy? Intimacy, Dementia, and the Brain”
At Regency Oaks at 2:30pm- 3:45pm, 2720 Regency Oaks Boulevard, Clearwater, FL 33759. Check in at front desk. See flyer here:
What Does Brain Health Have to do with Intimacy.FLYER.Jan 12.2015
Thursday, January 22nd– St. PETERSBURG
“Brain Health and Intimacy Tips”
At the Fountains at Boca Ciega Bay, 2nd floor auditorium,
2:00pm – 3:00pm, 1255 Pasadena Avenue South, St. Petersburg, FL 33707
July 16th–guest speaker Wednesday 9am until 11am
“The Challenges of Sexuality for Nursing Home Residents with Dementia”
The Florida Health Care Social Worker’s Association Annual conference in Delray Beach, FL. My presentation will be covering advocacy for seniors’ sexual rights, issues in senior communities, and the specific needs of the LGBT senior.
Aug 13th–“Integrative Medicine 101: Education and tips on alternative medicine modalities that compliment traditional/western medicine”
St. Petersburg Sunshine Center at 1pm
August 18th–“Integrative Medicine 101: Education and tips on alternative medicine modalities that compliment traditional/western medicine”
Gulfport Senior Center at 2:30pm, (Ms. Crockett presents her “Healthy Aging” series at Gulfport Senior Center every three months on the third Monday from 2:30 to 3:30. Click here to hear her “Healthy Aging: Top Ten List” from Sept 4, 2013.)
September 10th at 1pm–“Eating to Live or Living to Eat”
St Petersburg Sunshine Center– Auditorium
October 8th at 1pm– “Laughter Yoga and Other Exercises to Reduce Stress and Increase Fun”
St Petesburg Sunshine Center–Auditorium
Oct 17th Presenter for the Professional Guardian Association Annual Conference- Pinellas
The Hilton Carillon 950 Lake Carillon Drive, St. Petersburg, FL
Nov 17th at 2:30pm– “Laughter Yoga and Other Exercises to Reduce Stress and Increase Fun”
Gulfport Senior Center– Dining Room
National Association for Social Workers Florida Chapter – NASW FL- Annual Conference in Weston, FL
“Advocating for Seniors’ Sexual Rights: Issues in Communities and with Dementia”
June 11th- 1pm Healthy Eating Tips for Seniors-COMPLETED
St Petersburg Sunshine Center, 1pm in the auditorium
April 30th–COMPLETED
St Petersburg Sunshine Center 1:00pm “Health Aging: Top Ten List,” for more information click on the flyer here: Healthy Aging flyer Sunshine Center
April 8th– COMPLETED
Pinellas chapter of the Florida Association of Directors of Nurse Administration monthly dinner and meeting, I am presenting from 6pm to 7:30 “Sexual Concerns Associated with Dementia” at Banquet Masters in Pinellas Park. For more information click here: Directors of Nursing Administration Association Presentation
“Healthy Aging: Mindful Consumption of Food and Pleasure”–COMPLETED
February 5th at 1:30-2:30pm
Gulfport Senior Center Dining Room,
5501 27th Avenue South, Gulfport, FL 33707
Intimacy As We Age: Sexual Concerns Associated with Dementia–COMPLETED
PACIFICA– February 6th at 5pm-7pm
Clearwater, FL 33756
Tuesday, September 17th, 2013 from 11am to 1pm at Arden Courts of Tampa
Wednesday, September 18th, 2013 from 4pm to 6pm at Arden Courts of Tampa
Click Here for the Details from the Flyer
1.5 hour CEUS for nurses, social workers, case managers, guardians, and aministrators
“Healthy Aging and Brain Health”–COMPLETED
September 4, 2013 at 1:30pm
Gulfport Senior Center Dining Room,
5501 27th Avenue South, Gulfport, FL 33707
“Quick Healthy Eating Tips for Busy People and Singles
November 6th at 1:30- See attached flyer here: Eating Tips for Singles Gulfport Senior Center
Gulfport Senior Center Dining Room,
5501 27th Avenue South, Gulfport, FL 33707
“Healthy Aging: Top Ten List”
June 5, 2013, 9:00am to 10:00am
The Fountains at Boca Ciega Bay, 1255 Pasadena Ave S St Petersburg, FL
Listen to the recording on YouTube:
Click here for Healthy Aging Video on YouTube Part One
Click here for Healthy Aging Video on YouTube Part Two
Click here for Healthy Aging Video on YouTube Part Three
FREE—Thurs, October 25th, 10:00am–45 minute Health Food Store Tour, Location: Trader Joe’s at the Forum,
Don’t miss this event! You are going to learn about the BEST, CHEAPEST, and HEALTHIEST food and food products that Trader Joe’s has to offer.
Examples: nitrite-free natural lunch meat–forget paying $6 at other health food stores, Trader Joe’s has it for $3. Preservative-free organic hummus $2 at Trader Joe’s (half the price and no preservatives compared to the hummus at a regular grocery store)…there are many more…I won’t type it all out here, come see me and hear!
Click this link for a picture/information from the tour!
Monday, November 12th,
12:00-1:00pm, Health Talk for Students
“Running on Empty: How to Refuel When Your Life’s in the Fast Lane”
Come hear quick, easy-to-apply tips on staying healthy and happy despite the RUSH. Topics covered include: top ten nutrition must-knows (and how to apply them when you’re in a RUSH) and the PROs and CONS of vegetarianism
LOCATION: Gainesville State College–Oconee, 1201 Bishop Farms Pkwy, Watkinsville, GA 30677
Click here for a recording of talk
Questions? Contact me at
[email protected]
*Please note that a small commission is given to me when you click the labs and make a purchase. These labs will cost the same whether you use my link or any other link to the same lab company, so clicking on my link will not cost you anything.