Welcome MSW Interns! I created this page just for you to explain about the kind of supervision that I offer.
I am starting a cohort of interns interested in learning Interpersonal Neurobiology* or IPNB, (if you are totally new to these words for now think “integrative neuroscience”). The slides on this page come from my PowerPoints teaching this subject.
Let us begin with the idea that our attention needs to focus in order to become more integrated, (in order to become healthier).

Here is a question that asks you to focus your attention: What do you want from your supervisor and from your supervision experience?

This would be our first discussion together in group and in individual supervision sessions: setting an intention for our time. I value your time and believe that receiving a clinical foundation in IPNB will set you up for success during your LCSW career.
IPNB is based on two core ideas that to differentiate (separate) then link is the definition of integration** and that integration equals health, (that is, to integrate is to become healthy). You don’t need to know any of this, we’ll learn it all together and it will be FUN AND FASCINATING!!!

Another core idea is that we all exist on a spectrum from low integration to high integration and there are lots of things we can do to increase our level of integration (and our clients’ level of integration).

In IPNB, the mind is an ongoing process and is more than the filing cabinet we call “brain.” We can use our mind to change our brain. (And we can teach our clients to do this, as well.) We will discuss this A LOT during supervision.

We look at this capacity for our mind to create change through the lens of 9 levels (called “domains of neural integration”) and 9 skills. TIP: Scroll to the bottom of this page and see Series #2 and #3 as these 18 classes are topics that will be covered in 18 months of supervision.

Example: one month we will focus on the wizard brain (prefrontal cortex) skill of response flexibility:

Then on another month we will focus on insight. We will ask questions like, “Do I have insight and do my clients possess insight? Can my mind monitor and modify* so that I have more insight or response flexibility right now?”

*How we “regulate” our nervous system, in other words, how we monitor and modify will be the THEME for our first month together.

The 9 skills (functions) of the wizard brain will be the focus the first year (in addition to all the usual topics covered in supervision). The second year will be about the “skill” of integrating these 9 levels (domains).
By the end of the two years, you will have an understanding of the general IPNB framework which is where we teach ourselves (and learn to help our clients) optimally monitor and modify through these 9 Levels and 9 Skills. In the framework, these 18 skills are our DESTINATION for an integrated brain and life as we travel down our River of Life (Integration).

Hungry to learn more already?!
Check out my 20 preview videos (each one is between 3 min and 5 min) on the 9 domains:
I have 50 hours of teaching content on these 9 levels and 9 skills, see Series #1, Series #2, and Series #3. NOTE: You don’t need to know anything about integrative neuroscience to be interested in supervision with Heidi. Together we will learn with an hour of class per month being extra if you are interested in that as an intern.
We will come together in supervision sharing minds, sharing our stories and narratives from our work week.

Email me with questions at HeidiCrockett at, I am so excited to embark on this journey with you and your amazing peers!
*Dan Siegel, MD, alongside other amazing researchers created this “way of knowing” that includes over 60 textbooks in the “Norton Series on Interpersonal Neurobiology“
**Here is an example of differentiation and linkage creating integration in relationship: