It answers questions like, “What is compassion? Why is it important?”
“What happens in my brain when I make a compassionate choice?”
While this class focuses on the science of compassion, it mentions how compassion links into the relational neuroscience framework (that when people have more compassion, research shows them to have higher states of integration).
Crockett explains the 4 steps involved in detail as well as what happens when compassion isn’t chosen.
In the last section we practice Neff’s “Self-Compassion Break”
Crockett would like to invite you to participate in a 4 person, 4 hour group process. It’s using our social engagement system to heal, different than one-on-one therapy. This is especially powerful with shame. Email her if interested.
Below is the link to the paid class once you’ve contacted HeidiCrockett at if you have further questions or to complete payment: