Fighting illness? female?
What I find interesting in this article is that while 5th grade boys (stereotypically) tend to rise to challenges, smart girls more easily give up:
“..bright girls, when given something to learn that was particularly foreign or complex, were quick to give up – and the higher the girls’ IQ, the more likely they were to throw in the towel.”
[The above goes along with the themes discussed in “The Curse of the Good Girl” that I discuss in this post here.]
I think this aforementioned tendency for women to give up plays a part in some women’s ability to be properly diagnosed and treated when faced with a major illness. Let’s face it, our modern healthcare system requires an incredible amount of diligence and discernment if we are seeking long-term well-being. (See my article here on how to survive.)
If you are a woman struggling to find the motivation to address an illness, reach out and find people who can support you. Contact me here, I will do my best to help whether it is to connect you with the right doctors or providing emotional support.
For me, the most stressful part of being ill with Lyme Disease was not knowing what was wrong with me and not knowing who to turn to for help. It was easy to feel hopeless when my health was failing me and I didn’t understand why. Of course, there is the added stress if you don’t have health insurance. (This isn’t always the worst thing to occur, from one perspective, because however you spend your money, you will think about the costs more carefully. A lot of modern medical treatment isn’t always in a clients best interest especially if we are talking about treating autoimmune disease.)
However you might hope to improve your health, to every woman reading this, I want to say:
“Whatever you dream about, YOU CAN DO IT!”
Wanting to give up or feel hopeless are VERY NORMAL feelings in the face of illness. When I was bedridden in 2005, I wouldn’t have believed someone if they’d told me I was going to graduate school 5 years later and that I’d be a relatively healthy adult female.
When struggling with an illness, one thing that’s important is having someone who can provide vision or hope when you have none. Certainly for some, family, religious organizations, or close friends can provide this, but not everyone has a good support system. And even if your support system seems good, there can be avenues of information that they are not aware of…to the reader of this: know that many illnesses have available solutions beyond regular western medicine. I think there are countless ways that a person can heal or learn to have the highest quality of life possible for a given illness. The key is to walk a balanced path of action for your illness. Be sure to consult a number of trusted medical professionals (who treat what is happening in your body from different perspectives).
Contact me by clicking this and see how I can help support you to heal and fulfill your dreams.
(And guys reading this, you can do whatever you dream about, too 😉 )
photo credit to martinak15